Blizzard responds to diablo immortal critisiim
Blizzard responds to diablo immortal critisiim

blizzard responds to diablo immortal critisiim

Sure there are occasions where to access a new area you will need to be a certain level, meaning you'll have to head off and rack up some experience in other ways (for example daily bounties), but the point stands that you can just blast through the full campaign from the day that the game unlocks - if you so wish. And this is all without also considering the fact that Diablo Immortal boasts a full, broad storyline that has no significant barriers to the way you enjoy it. Be it multiple unique character types to play as various locations filled to the brim with quests, challenges and countless different enemy variants sprawling dungeons with tough one-of-a-kind bosses a truckload of special and differing loot and gear that offer significant bonuses and can be matched up to create silly and powerful builds and on top of all of that, a wealth of difficulty options that can tailor the experience to suit the level of your character and your personal skill.

blizzard responds to diablo immortal critisiim

But, this doesn't change the fact that you can clearly also see that this IS a Diablo game through and through.Īnd what I mean by this is that you get all the typical trappings that make a Diablo game great. Yes, that means there are touchscreen controls, a limited communication system, gameplay designed around people looking to kill 20 minutes here and there, and of course a few microtransactions systems to boot. First of all, I want to really just tackle the stigma that still surrounds this game, which is the fact that this is a mobile title.

Blizzard responds to diablo immortal critisiim