Crossy road fun backgrounds for boys
Crossy road fun backgrounds for boys

crossy road fun backgrounds for boys

I really hope that Apple takes gaming more seriously and heads in the direction of making the ATV more geared towards gamers, and who knows, with services such as Google Stadia and Microsoft’s xCloud, we might even be able to sign up for such services and use them in our ATVs in the future. Cooling is another very important factor to keep everything running smoothly, and ATV’s passive cooling won’t be enough.

crossy road fun backgrounds for boys

The ATV could have a faster processor but if it doesn’t have the rest, it will struggle to run AAA gaming titles like the ones you mentioned. Just curious, do you have the source where this was said? (By Apple obviously) Also, even if true (the A series chip being more powerful), there is a lot more to a gaming console than its processor, like RAM size and speed, BUS speeds, and GPU.

Crossy road fun backgrounds for boys