Diablo 2 resurrected barbarian builds
Diablo 2 resurrected barbarian builds

diablo 2 resurrected barbarian builds diablo 2 resurrected barbarian builds

After that, anything that boosts Combat skills or all Barbarian skills will be handy until getting access to Runewords and end of game equipment. Remember that Natural Resistance does not apply to magic, so really be sure to keep items that resist magic in particular. After that, it's vitality the rest of the way.įor equipment, Barbarians have the advantage of Natural Resistance but will still need a touch of help from armor and items to get to 75% resistance. Get three points in strength and two points in vitality, then, after hitting the magical 186 in strength, put three points in dexterity and two points in Vitality until dexterity hits 136. There's a simple formula to make this easy. This guide has been updated with a section that advises players on how to level up without falling apart. Without a bulletproof game plan, the Barbarian sinks into its old support ways and, when playing solo, that's an ugly sight. However, many players have a tough time leveling this Barbarian up to the maximum level. Its increased ability to move in the late game opens the character up to some unconventional and personalized Runewords that many other classes don't have. Updated on November 15th, 2021 by Hodey Johns: This build, after lots of testing since the release of the game, remains the best build for a primarily Whirlwind-based Barbarian. Putting it together can be complicated, but once it is in place, party members won't look at him sideways (or even make eye contact with him) ever again. The book isn't written on the Barbarian, who has plenty of offensive and defensive capabilities that, when combined, can beat all five acts of Diablo 2: Resurrected with the Whirlwind build. RELATED: Diablo 2: Resurrected - How To Build The "Bowazon" Archer Amazonīut this isn't a fair assessment.

diablo 2 resurrected barbarian builds

The class is widely regarded as the best support in the game and anybody who plays him differently can be sure to receive a sidewise glance or two from their party members. The natural support abilities from the Barbarian in Diablo 2: Resurrected are so strong that they carried over to Diablo 3.

Diablo 2 resurrected barbarian builds