How to convert a file to excel
How to convert a file to excel

how to convert a file to excel

You only need to fill out a few examples manually, but we can get Excel to do the rest for us later.

how to convert a file to excel

They do not have to be the exact name of the columns, as long as they’re in the correct order.

how to convert a file to excel

You can change the name of the tags into the names of your columns. The “student-data” above includes a “record” element, which has three data elements, TAGNAME, TAGNAME2, and TAGNAME3. Because this is the first element, it is also called the “root element”. Everything in between these lines is part of this element. It is important that you have a closing tag for every opening tag, and that they are in the right order. The first line above opens the element, and the last line, which includes a “/”, ends this element. If you simplify this line and the last line, you have: The second line identifies that the data is about “student-data”. It identifies that it is an XML file, using the encoding UTF-8 and the XML version 1.0. You can create an XML schema in Notepad, as it is a text file format. An XML schema is the document that defines an XML file’s structure. After you have your Excel document set up, you need an XML schema.

How to convert a file to excel